It’s very simple: 52 weeks, 52 projects. It can be easy to get too focused on work, so this is a way to bring a little balance. Anything that can be started and finished counts as a project.
Some of my project goals for this year:
Some of my project goals for this year:
- Cook more from-scratch, healthy, or fun foods. I like cooking endeavors, they're like chem lab but you can eat the results, so I'm trying to do more of that this year.
- Garden projects. Who read the Little House on the Prairie books and didn’t want to be a farmer?
- Do more hands on craft projects. I’d like to pick it up knitting again because it’s something that can be worked on while on public transit or watching a baseball game.
- Read more. Or at all. It's been months since I've read anything unrelated to Chemistry.
- Build something, from scratch or close to it. Something that involves a hardware store.
- All those responsibilities that come with being a real adult. Taxes and time at the DMV, here I come!
- Et cetera, et cetera.